Latoya is a woman on a mission to make a significant impact on the lives of homeless youth and underserved communities. Her story begins in her hometown of Shreveport, LA, where she embarked on a transformative journey as a volunteer at a homeless shelter for girls. Little did she know that this experience would shape her life in profound ways.
During her time at the shelter, she encountered girls who were not only battling homelessness but also grappling with the horrors of human trafficking. This eye-opening experience compelled her to attend human trafficking meetings with the Juvenile Justice Department, where she learned to recognize the signs of potential victims. It was a sobering revelation, and it ignited a fire within her to do more.
As fate would have it, her pastor opened a group home for boys, and it was during this period that she realized an urgent need for more shelters to accommodate this vulnerable population. With unwavering determination, she set out to establish her own homeless shelter, one that would provide refuge for both boys and girls.
However, her journey has been far from smooth. Latoya began this mission during the challenging times of the pandemic, which made it exceedingly difficult to secure the necessary resources. Her family had recently relocated to Texas, forcing her to start anew in building relationships within the community and with other organizations. Finding a suitable home to house homeless youth proved to be a formidable obstacle, as many landlords were hesitant to lease their properties for such a purpose. Fundraising for her nonprofit also presented its own set of challenges.
But despite these formidable hurdles, she remains steadfast in her commitment to her cause. With 13 years of experience as a nurse, working in various specialties and management roles, she recently transitioned to a new career as a school nurse. This transition has allowed her to witness the pressing need for stable housing among children, turning her job into a calling.
In addition to her work with homeless youth, Latoya has a deep passion for community. Organizing health and wellness fairs has been a source of pride, as it enables her to provide supportive services that enhance overall well-being. What sets her apart is not just her work ethic but also her profound compassion for the community. Serving others is a gift she cherishes, understanding the profound impact it can have on people's lives.
Looking ahead, she is pursuing her doctorate at UTA with plans to continue building relationships within underserved communities. There are exciting prospects on the horizon, including hosting more health fairs and symposiums. Her dream is to find a place that feels like home for Agape Love House, where they can offer career readiness programs, financial education, and literacy, all while promoting health education and awareness among families.
Latoya envisions a bright future for Agape Love House, where they become a household name, extending their reach to homeless individuals and educating communities across the nation. Her journey may be filled with challenges, but her unwavering passion to serve those less fortunate and her unyielding determination to effect change keep her moving forward.
Reach out to us today to learn more about our programs and how we're making a difference in the lives of homeless and at-risk youth. Your support can help us empower these individuals for a brighter future.